Comparative Report NeoKissEs 2021
At the beginning of this summer, the NeoKissEs 2021 Comparative Report was finalized and sent to those responsible for the 51 hospitals that registered cases last year. Along with this report, which shows comparative data on the Spanish NeoKissEs population, the German Report was also sent to the collaborators, in which each Spanish Unit is compared with the German reference population.
Comparative Report NeoKissEs 2020
This week the NeoKissEs 2020 comparative report was sent to those researchers of the 50 hospitals that registered cases in 2020. This report shows comparative data on the Spanish NeoKissEs population. It was also delivered to the researchers the German Report, in which each Spanish Unit is compared with the German reference population.
Comparative Report NeoKissEs 2019
During the summer 2020, the NeoKissEs 2019 comparative report was sent to those researchers of the 47 hospitals that registered cases in 2019. This report shows comparative data on the Spanish NeoKissEs population. It was also delivered to the researchers the German Report, in which each Spanish Unit is compared with the German reference population. There has been a delay in reporting due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Scientific Communications 2019
Within the framework of the INBERBAC-Neo project, six scientific communications (5 posters and a Round Table Meeting) have been accepted for presentation to the Congresses:
– XXXVII Annual Scientific meeting of the SEE, XIV Congress of APE and XVIII Congress of SESPAS.
– XXVII Congress of Neonatology and Perinatal Medicine and VII Congress of the Spanish Society of Neonatal Nursing.
– CIBERESP Scientific Conference 2019.
Honorable-mention prize in the 5th Award for Outstanding Initiatives in Patient Safety of the Quirónsalud Foundation.
On May 23rd, 2019, INBERBAC-Neo project (PI17 / 00565), received a special mention during the 5th Award for Outstanding Initiatives in Patient Safety within the 6th International Seminar on Patient Safety and Clinical Excellence, of the Quirónsalud Foundation.
To launch the Evidence-Based Intervention for the Reduction of Central Line Associated Bloodstream infection in Neonates to the local coordination teams of INBERBAC-Neo project, our group will developed the first two of a series of 5 workshops, on June 28 and July 5. These days, the intervention in the attending neonatal units will be formally initiated. It is planned to make three more workshop in Barcelona, Seville and Madrid.
Implementation of NeoKissEs in Spain: A validated surveillance system for nosocomial sepsis in very low birth weight infants
The original article entitled “ Implementation of NeoKissEs in Spain: A validated surveillance system for nosocomial sepsis in very low birth weight infants” was accepted on June 11 2018 by the journal Anales de Pediatría and published in November of this year. It details the process of implementation of the Epidemiological Surveillance System of Nosocomial Sepsis NeoKissEs.
PI17/00565 – INBERBAC-Neo Project
Under the framework of the PI17/00565 – INBERBAC-Neo project, a baseline survey will be sent by email over the course of this summer. This survey will be part of the pre-project launch assessment and seeks to update the data on the neonatal units gathered in previous surveys (NeoKissEs) and document the usual or established routine clinical practices for the management of central lines in each unit.
Annual comparative report of NeoKissEs system indicators with respect to the reference population from the German NEO-KISS system
Since 2015, heads of the participating NICUs have received an annual report comparing indicators from the NeoKissEs system with those related to the reference population obtained from the German NEO-KISS system.
Annual comparative reports of NeoKissEs system indicators, year 2017
Over the course of the month of July, comparative reports of NeoKissEs surveillance system indicators for 2017 and the report of the final analysis of the PI13/00587 NeoKissEs study will be issued.